Wire Flowers & Grasses - Shop

Handmade wire flowers inspired by nature by judith brown jewellery


Unfortunately I have had an accident and broken my ankle, I can't currently get into my studio as it is up many stairs.

Workshop bookings for the autumn have reopened, but orders for jewellery and wire flowers have been suspended temporarily, though you can still buy gift vouchers and browse the shop. To be notified when the shop is fully reopened, please join my mailing list here.  Please email with any queries at [email protected], I will get back to you as soon as I can. Thanks for understanding, I am sure you will appreciate this is a very difficult situation to be in as a one person business.


This collection of delicate nature inspired wire drawings have come about following my local walks, exploring meadows and local nature reserves. Walking along country lanes lanes with cow parsley and grasses swaying in the breeze, learning to identify bird song as well as the plants and flowers that arrive and grow through the seasons. One of the postitives of the pandemic has been reconnecting with the nature that I have always loved, and getting to know the Staffordshire Moorlands where I live, so much better than before, and it's a rich inspiration for my creative work.

The larger beautiful stoneware bottles featured in this photo are handmade in Sheffield by Alison Wren Ceramics and the narrower vases are made by Carol Rogerson Ceramics in Manchester.

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